The Project Linus Chapter of Wake County, NC was started in 1996 by Susie Holmes. Over 50,000 blankets have been delivered to many local groups and agencies that help seriously ill or traumatized children who need a HUG from a blanket including: Wake Med Hospitals, Rex Hospital, Duke Hospital NICU, Safe Space (for children of abused women receiving support), Hospice (for their Reflections program for grieving children and teens), Make a Wish Foundation, the children at Salvation Army, Children's Flight of Hope, and Wake County Social Services.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

BB&T Blanketeers

During August and September, employees of Branch Banking & Trust participated in the Lighthouse Project, a company-wide community service effort.  Their mission: to make the communities they serve better places to live by lending helping hands to those in need of hope and encouragement.  During the 2009 Lighthouse Project, BB&T employees donated more than 52,000 volunteer hours to local charities and touched the lives of 1.6 million people in 25 states.

For their Lighthouse Project this year, more than 40 volunteers helped The Raleigh/Triangle Team make blankets for Project Linus.  Shown here are some of the employees who work in the BB&T office in downtown Raleigh and the giant stack of blankets that they made!

Lending a hand helps others, but it is also a rewarding experience.  Kelly C. of the Raleigh/Triangle Team says, "The folks who have participated have really enjoyed the project, and knowing that some child will one day find comfort in the big, warm blanket that they made."

Many children in the Triangle will be comforted by these blankets.  Thank you BB&T!

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